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Archive for the ‘scripts’ Category

A setup to test backup and restore options

Posted by John Hallas on December 3, 2018

A couple of years my team put together some procedures and the underlying databases to allow testing of as many RMAN recovery options as we could think of. We had two databases which gave us a Dataguard capability and we secured both databases using Commvault backups so we always had a clean starting point. Each team member had a training objective to complete the course and we all thought it was an excellent refresher process.   As I recall Hamid Ansari did most of the work and I should mention him if I mention the output.


I noticed today that Francisco Munoz Alvarez has provided a script which does very much the same thing and I can only applaud the idea. I don’t think his script covers Dataguard but no doubt it could.  His web page Crash Simulator is where the script can be found. I will be looking at this myself in the next few days.

Posted in RMAN, scripts | Tagged: , , | Leave a Comment »

The Mother of all ASM scripts

Posted by John Hallas on March 6, 2012

Back in 2009 I posted a script which I found very useful to review ASM disks. I gave that post the low-key title of The ASM script of all ASM scripts. Now that script has been improved I have to go a bit further with the hyperbole and we have the The Mother of all ASM scripts.  If it ever gets improved then the next post will just be called ‘Who’s the Daddy’.

I have been using the current script across all our systems for the last 3 years and I find it very useful, a colleague, Allan Webster, has added a couple of improvements and it is now better than before.

The improvements show current disk I/O statistics and a breakdown of the types of files in each disk group and the total sizes of that filetype. The I/O statistics are useful when you have a lot of databases, many of which are test and development and so you do not look at them as that often. It just gives a quick overview that allows you to get a feel if anything is wrong and to see what the system is actually doing. There are also a few comments at the beginning defining the various ASM views available. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in ASM, Oracle, scripts | Tagged: , , | 16 Comments »

Scripts to resize standby redolog files

Posted by John Hallas on February 28, 2011

I have already posted about an issue that required me to drop and recreate standby log files so I thought I would post the scripts I used.

Resize Standby Redo Logs

1. On primary defer log shipping (dynamic change)

alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2 = defer scope = memory;

2. On standby database cancel managed recovery

alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

3. Drop standby logs on standby database





4. Recreate the new Standby logs

alter database add standby logfile THREAD 1 group 4 ('+DATA(ONLINELOG)','+FRA(ONLINELOG)') SIZE 1000M;

alter database add standby logfile THREAD 1 group 5 ('+DATA(ONLINELOG)','+FRA(ONLINELOG)') SIZE 1000M;

alter database add standby logfile THREAD 1 group 6 ('+DATA(ONLINELOG)','+FRA(ONLINELOG)') SIZE 1000M;

alter database add standby logfile THREAD 1 group 7 ('+DATA(ONLINELOG)','+FRA(ONLINELOG)') SIZE 1000M;

5. Enable log shipping on the Primary database

alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2 = enable scope = memory;

6. Enable managed recovery on standby database

alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect;

7. Check the the standby logs are being used by running following query :

set lines 155 pages 9999
col thread# for 9999990
col sequence# for 999999990
col grp for 990
col fnm for a50 head "File Name"
col "Fisrt SCN Number" for 999999999999990
break on thread
# skip 1
select a.thread#
, grp     
, a.bytes/1024/1024 Size_MB     
,a.first_change# "First SCN Number"     
,to_char(FIRST_TIME,'DD-Mon-RR HH24:MI:SS') "First SCN Time"   
,to_char(LAST_TIME,'DD-Mon-RR HH24:MI:SS') "Last SCN Time"  from
 v$standby_log a  order by 1,2,3,4

Should return the following :

THREAD#  SEQUENCE#  GRP    SIZE_MB STATUS     ARC Fisrt SCN Number First SCN Time              Last SCN Time
-------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
       1          0    4        100 UNASSIGNED NO                 0
                  0    6        100 UNASSIGNED YES                0
                  0    7        100 UNASSIGNED YES                0
               7316    5        100 ACTIVE     YES        153517071 04-Feb-11 13:39:32          04-Feb-11 13:40:41

Posted in Oracle, scripts | Tagged: , , , , | 7 Comments »

Using Grid to display database CPU usage

Posted by John Hallas on September 3, 2010

There was a recent post on the Oracle -L list asking  about using Grid Control to  report on a particular databases cpu usage during a certain period of time. A number of answers came in showing  the sql queries that would answer the question but I saw the question being ‘ how can we display the CPU usage in Grid’  or indeed how can we produce a customised metric report on any database in Grid

However for those who are interested in the recommended scripted methods then the the answers that were of most use in my view were from Karl Arao pointing to  a script he has written and Rich Jesse produced the following code

sysman.mgmt$metric_daily mmd
sysman.mgmt$target mt
ON mmd.target_name = mt.target_name
AND mmd.target_type = mt.target_type
AND mmd.target_guid = mt.target_guid
mmd.metric_column like '%cpu%'
AND mt.target_name = :DB_NAME
AND mt.target_type = 'oracle_database';

My method was to create a report that could be used to report on any instance and this is how I did it. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Grid control and agents, Oracle, scripts | Tagged: , , | 1 Comment »

The power of emdiag

Posted by John Hallas on August 20, 2010

I am currently loooking at emdiag and finding it more and more useful as I fully understand it’s capabilities. To copy a comment from a metalink note – EMDIAG is a diagnostics and troubleshooting kit which can help with  a health assesment of a site. It is a set of scripts developed by Werner De Gruyter and instructions for download and usage are in Note 421053.1 EMDiagkit download and master index. I will not go into the installation instructions here but just show a few of the commands that I am finding useful and an example of an issue that it is highlighted. Note that I have set my Oracle Home to be the OMS home and repvfy is found in OH/bin. However the output is located under wherever you have installed the emdiag software and in my case would be OH/emdiag/log

repvfy dump health -pwd password 

This gives an very good overview of repository DB specific information, database performance statistics , installed OMS patchsets and EM monitoring targets.   Read the rest of this entry »

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Producing a grid report

Posted by John Hallas on June 21, 2010

I mentioned that we have a morning check report that we run from OEM in this post . I was asked about it a couple of days ago so I thought I would post the contents as it may give some ideas on what can be monitored and how we use the report.

We check status on the following events and I have shown the code we use for each of the following reports

Usable space in FRA < 20%
Filesystems over 90% used
Database not backed up within 1 day and not blacked out and not a physical standby
Data Guard Status (targets not blacked out)
Alert Log Errors
Database Parameter Changes Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Oracle, scripts | Tagged: , , , , , , | 14 Comments »

The use of functions in a .profile file

Posted by John Hallas on January 22, 2010

My first public presentation is over now and whilst I was very nervous beforehand I felt quite comfortable once I started. To anybody who was there, thanks for putting up with me.

I promised to upload the contents of a .profile we use for the oracle account as that includes a number of useful functions and aliases. This is rolled out to every database server to ensure that we have a similar feel to every server.
We also have the oratab files set up so that the primary database is first (if there is more than one), ASM is next and the Grid agent home is next. That way the default SID setup when logging in is the main database we are likely to be using. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in 11g new features, Oracle, scripts | Tagged: , | 2 Comments »

Maxing out CPUs – script

Posted by John Hallas on November 19, 2009

I have long subscribed to the  ORACLE-L mailing list  and I find it a great source of ideas and views on the management of Oracle databases. As a sidenote for anybody who used it in the past it seems to be much stronger now as a community than previously where there was too much RTFM and other flaming type responses.

In the last couple of days there has been a thread running entitled Stress my CPU’s started by Lee Robertson where he was asking for a way to ‘hammer the CPU’s on the box as we want to test dynamically allocating CPU’s from another partition to handle the increased workload’.

The strength of the list is that there were a number of quality responses but my hat goes off to Tom Dale for producing this gem

set serveroutput on


l_job_out integer;

l_what dba_jobs.what%type;

l_cpus_to_hog CONSTANT integer :=4;

l_loop_count varchar2(10) := '500000000'; begin


** Create some jobs to load the CPU


for l_job in 1..l_cpus_to_hog loop


job => l_job_out

, what => 'declare a number := 1; begin for i in 1..'||l_loop_count||' loop a := ( a + i )/11; end loop; end;'



dbms_output.put_line( 'job - '|| l_job_out );

select what into l_what from dba_jobs where job = l_job_out;

dbms_output.put_line( 'what - '|| l_what );

end loop;



Short, sweet and very effective. I will certainly be using it when I want to look at using resource management.

PS,  if you want to stop the jobs running, although they do finish in a few minutes using the default value of 500 million iterations, then use the following dynamic sql.

select 'execute dbms_job.remove('||job||');' from user_jobs where what like 'declare a number := 1%';


Posted in Oracle, scripts | Tagged: , , | 3 Comments »

Automatically running sql_advisor tasks from ADDM reports

Posted by John Hallas on November 12, 2009

STOP PRESS – 17 Nov 2009  – updated with latest code which works against both 10g and 11g databases

 I am attaching scripts which I wrote a while ago to automatically pick any sql_ids reported in the latest ADDM and then run sql_advisor to report on any tuning advice. I am not suggesting that the information they provide is not available from EM or indeed every task reported needs resolving but it can be a good heads-up on a system you don’t know very well.

These are enabled every hour (can be less depending upon your snapshot interval) and they create a daily file which can be easily reviewed.

I find the real benefit is not on production databases but on dev and test databases that are being used for development prior to production implementation. This is for two reasons, firstly I hope that the team has a good handle on what is happening in production and are aware of issues and secondly we are most likely  to be able to add most value and benefit in development environments before the code is made live.

A couple of ‘issuettes’. The output from the ADDM report is different between 10g and 11g so I have amended the awk file to cater for both versions. I have been having an ongoing problem with tghe sql_advisor tuning task timing out on some systems and consequently leaving the task created for the next run. I have therefore amended the loop to drop the task at several points which looks untidy in the output file bit does seem to resolve the problem. 

I hoped to attach a zip file containing 4 scripts but cannot see how to do it without a plug-in which is a problem on my works PC. so in the meantime I have pasted the code of each of 4 files.

tuning_recommendations.ksh which is the controlling script

#! /bin/ksh
# loop though the file produced from get_addm_report.sql and put the gathered sql-ids into a flat file
# awk the file to get just the SQL_ID
# for each sql_id create a task, execute that task, run the report and then delete the task
# The delete tuning task job is run an additional twice because if the tuning task times out then it does not clean up properly
# Better to see a few failures in this job that not run the sql_tuning_advisor at all.
#if [ -d /home/oracle/logs ]
   rm  /home/oracle/logs/tmp*.log
   mkdir /home/oracle/logs
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
    echo "No ORACLE SID  - exiting"
# execute ORACLE's .profile
#. ~/.profile
# set up environment variables.

. /usr/local/bin/oraenv ${ORACLE_SID}
export ORACLE_HOME=`cat /etc/oratab | grep $ORACLE_SID | awk -F: '{print $2 }`
today=`date +%d-%b-%Y`; export today

sqlplus -s /nolog  <<SQLEND
connect / as sysdba
     spool $LOGDIR/tmp_${ORACLE_SID}_1.log
     spool off


cat $LOGDIR/tmp_${ORACLE_SID}_1.log|awk -f /shared/oracle/performance/tuning_recommendations.awk |awk '!a[$0]++' > $LOGDIR/tmp_${ORACLE_SID}_2.log
cat  $LOGDIR/tmp_${ORACLE_SID}_2.log | awk '$0!~/^$/ {print $0}' > $LOGDIR/tmp_${ORACLE_SID}_3.log

for PLAN in  `cat $LOGDIR/tmp_${ORACLE_SID}_3.log`
sqlplus -s /nolog  <<SQLEND >> $REPORTFILE
connect / as sysdba
     SELECT status FROM USER_ADVISOR_TASKS WHERE task_name = 'test_task1';
     @/shared/oracle/performance/sql_advisor.sql $PLAN

# tidy up the report file
# tidy up reports > 14 days old
find  $LOGDIR -name "sql_advisor_repor*.log" -mtime +14 -print -exec rm -f {} \;

get_addm_report.sql which gets each task from the last snapshot from dba_advisor_tasks

set long  10000000
set pagesize 50000
column get_clob format a80

select dbms_advisor.get_task_report (task_name) as ADDM_report
from dba_advisor_tasks
where task_id = (
        select max(t. task_id)
        from dba_advisor_tasks t, dba_advisor_log l
        where t.task_id = l.task_id
        and t.advisor_name = 'ADDM'
        and l.status = 'COMPLETED');

tuning_recommendations.awk is a short awk script used to process the output from get_addm_report.sql

#start at the first line
                if (($1=="RATIONALE:") && ($2=="SQL")) #10G ADDM format
                if (($1=="Run") && ($2=="SQL") && ($3=="Tuning") && ($4=="Advisor") && ($7=="SQL") && ($10=="SQL_ID")) #11G ADDM format

print VAR1

sql_advisor.sql runs the sql_advisor package against each task found.

my_task_name   VARCHAR2 (30);
my_sqltext     CLOB;
my_sqlid        varchar2(30);

my_sqlid := '&1';
my_task_name := dbms_sqltune.create_tuning_task (sql_id=> my_sqlid,
       scope         => 'COMPREHENSIVE',
       time_limit    => 300,
       task_name     => 'test_task1',
       description   => 'test_task1'

dbms_sqltune.execute_tuning_task (task_name => 'test_task1');

SELECT status FROM USER_ADVISOR_TASKS WHERE task_name = 'test_task1';
SET LONG 10000
set pages 60

We have a read only NFS mounted disk available on all database servers and the files are placed in there and initiated by a cron entry for each SID on an hourly basis
40 * * * * /shared/oracle/performance/tuning_recommendations.ksh SID >/dev/null 2>&1

Output is created in a folder $HOME/logs and 14 days worth of reports are kept.

A sample output report (only one task shown but certainly on this Peoplesoft database it would show many tasks)

Tuning Task Name                  : test_task1
Tuning Task Owner                 : SYS
Scope                             : COMPREHENSIVE
Time Limit(seconds)               : 60
Completion Status                 : COMPLETED
Started at                        : 11/12/2009 07:43:33
Completed at                      : 11/12/2009 07:44:16
Number of Statistic Findings      : 1
Number of Index Findings          : 1

Schema Name: SYSADM
SQL ID     : cy3fmjha2sjnr
             PS_SCH_MNG_SCH_TBL M, PS_SCH_ADHOC_DTL A Where M.EMPLID = :1 and
             M.EMPL_RCD = :2 and M.SCH_PRIM_ALT_IND = :3 and M.DUR between
             TO_DATE(:4,'YYYY-MM-DD') and TO_DATE(:5,'YYYY-MM-DD') and
             A.EMPLID = M.EMPLID and A.EMPL_RCD = M.EMPL_RCD and
             A.SCH_PRIM_ALT_IND = M.SCH_PRIM_ALT_IND and A.DUR = M.DUR and
             A.SEQ_NO = M.SEQ_NO and A.SEQNUM = 1 Order By M.DUR Asc,
             M.SCHED_SOURCE Desc, M.SEQ_NO Desc


1- Statistics Finding
  Optimizer statistics for index &amp;quot;SYSADM&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;PS_SCH_MNG_SCH_TBL&amp;quot; are stale.

  - Consider collecting optimizer statistics for this index.
    execute dbms_stats.gather_index_stats(ownname =&amp;gt; 'SYSADM', indname =&amp;gt;
            'PS_SCH_MNG_SCH_TBL', estimate_percent =&amp;gt;

    The optimizer requires up-to-date statistics for the index in order to
    select a good execution plan.

2- Index Finding (see explain plans section below)
  The execution plan of this statement can be improved by creating one or more

  Recommendation (estimated benefit: 94.67%)

  - Consider running the Access Advisor to improve the physical schema design
    or creating the recommended index.
    create index SYSADM.IDX$$_21C0F0001 on

  - Consider running the Access Advisor to improve the physical schema design
    or creating the recommended index.
    create index SYSADM.IDX$$_21C0F0002 on

    Creating the recommended indices significantly improves the execution plan
    of this statement. However, it might be preferable to run &amp;quot;Access Advisor&amp;quot;
    using a representative SQL workload as opposed to a single statement. This
    will allow to get comprehensive index recommendations which takes into
    account index maintenance overhead and additional space consumption.


1- Original
Plan hash value: 2070933151

| Id  | Operation                             | Name               | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Ti
me     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                      |                    |     1 |   103 |   387   (1)| 00
:00:01 |       |       |
|*  1 |  FILTER                               |                    |       |       |            |
       |       |       |
|   2 |   SORT ORDER BY                       |                    |     1 |   103 |   387   (1)| 00
:00:01 |       |       |
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                       |                    |     1 |   103 |   386   (1)| 00
:00:01 |       |       |
|   4 |     PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR          |                    |    10 |   350 |   371   (1)| 00
:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|   5 |      TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| PS_SCH_ADHOC_DTL   |    10 |   350 |   371   (1)| 00
:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|*  6 |       INDEX RANGE SCAN                | PS_SCH_ADHOC_DTL   |    10 |       |   369   (1)| 00
:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|   7 |     PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR          |                    |     1 |    68 |     2   (0)| 00
:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|   8 |      TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID| PS_SCH_MNG_SCH_TBL |     1 |    68 |     2   (0)| 00
:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |
|*  9 |       INDEX UNIQUE SCAN               | PS_SCH_MNG_SCH_TBL |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00
:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):


   1 - filter(TO_DATE(:4,'YYYY-MM-DD')&amp;lt;=TO_DATE(:5,'YYYY-MM-DD'))
   6 - access(&amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPLID&amp;quot;=:1 AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPL_RCD&amp;quot;=TO_NUMBER(:2) AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SCH_PRIM_ALT_IND&amp;quot;=:3 AND
              &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;&amp;gt;=TO_DATE(:4,'YYYY-MM-DD') AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SEQNUM&amp;quot;=1 AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;&amp;lt;=TO_DATE(:5,'YYYY
   9 - access(&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPLID&amp;quot;=:1 AND &amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPL_RCD&amp;quot;=TO_NUMBER(:2) AND &amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SCH_PRIM_ALT_IND&amp;quot;=:3 AND
              &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;=&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot; AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SEQ_NO&amp;quot;=&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SEQ_NO&amp;quot;)
       filter(&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;&amp;gt;=TO_DATE(:4,'YYYY-MM-DD') AND &amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;&amp;lt;=TO_DATE(:5,'YYYY-MM-DD'))

2- Using New Indices
Plan hash value: 1209469329

| Id  | Operation                             | Name               | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Ti
me     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                      |                    |     1 |   103 |    21  (10)| 00
:00:01 |       |       |
|*  1 |  FILTER                               |                    |       |       |            |
       |       |       |
|   2 |   SORT ORDER BY                       |                    |     1 |   103 |    21  (10)| 00
:00:01 |       |       |
|*  3 |    HASH JOIN                          |                    |     1 |   103 |    20   (5)| 00
:00:01 |       |       |
|   4 |     TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID| PS_SCH_ADHOC_DTL   |    10 |   350 |    10   (0)| 00
:00:01 | ROWID | ROWID |
|*  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                 | IDX$$_21C0F0001    |    10 |       |     4   (0)| 00
:00:01 |       |       |
|*  6 |     TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID| PS_SCH_MNG_SCH_TBL |    13 |   884 |     9   (0)| 00
:00:01 | ROWID | ROWID |
|*  7 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN                 | IDX$$_21C0F0002    |    13 |       |     3   (0)| 00
:00:01 |       |       |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   1 - filter(TO_DATE(:4,'YYYY-MM-DD')&amp;lt;=TO_DATE(:5,'YYYY-MM-DD'))
   3 - access(&amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPLID&amp;quot;=&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPLID&amp;quot; AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPL_RCD&amp;quot;=&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPL_RCD&amp;quot; AND
              &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SCH_PRIM_ALT_IND&amp;quot;=&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SCH_PRIM_ALT_IND&amp;quot; AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;=&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot; AND
              SYS_OP_DESCEND(&amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;)=SYS_OP_DESCEND(&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;) AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SEQ_NO&amp;quot;=&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SEQ_NO&amp;quot;)
   5 - access(&amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPLID&amp;quot;=:1 AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SEQNUM&amp;quot;=1 AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPL_RCD&amp;quot;=TO_NUMBER(:2) AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SCH_PRIM_
ALT_IND&amp;quot;=:3 AND
              &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;&amp;gt;=TO_DATE(:4,'YYYY-MM-DD') AND &amp;quot;A&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;&amp;lt;=TO_DATE(:5,'YYYY-MM-DD'))
   6 - filter(&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;SCH_PRIM_ALT_IND&amp;quot;=:3 AND &amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPL_RCD&amp;quot;=TO_NUMBER(:2))
   7 - access(&amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;EMPLID&amp;quot;=:1 AND &amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;&amp;gt;=TO_DATE(:4,'YYYY-MM-DD') AND &amp;quot;M&amp;quot;.&amp;quot;DUR&amp;quot;&amp;lt;=TO_DATE(:5,'YYY


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

The routine above works well but I am happy to consider any changes or improvements.

PS If anybody knows how to use a code tag and not have those horrible green wraparound marks please let me know

Posted in addm, Oracle, scripts | Tagged: , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

The ASM script of all ASM scripts !

Posted by John Hallas on February 1, 2009

The asm information script I use which gives me everything I think I need in one go.

If there are any queries that others find useful please comment on them and I will add them to the script.


Credit where credit is due. I think Alan Cooper wrote the original version, although it has been amended since then.


set wrap off

set lines 120

set pages 999

col “Group Name”   form a25

col “Disk Name”    form a30

col “State”  form a15

col “Type”   form a7

col “Free GB”   form 9,999



prompt ASM Disk Groups

prompt ===============

select group_number  “Group”

,      name          “Group Name”

,      state         “State”

,      type          “Type”

,      total_mb/1024 “Total GB”

,      free_mb/1024  “Free GB”

from   v$asm_diskgroup




prompt ASM Disks

prompt =========


col “Group”          form 999

col “Disk”           form 999

col “Header”         form a9

col “Mode”           form a8

col “Redundancy”     form a10

col “Failure Group”  form a10

col “Path”           form a19


select group_number  “Group”

,      disk_number   “Disk”

,      header_status “Header”

,      mode_status   “Mode”

,      state         “State”

,      redundancy    “Redundancy”

,      total_mb      “Total MB”

,      free_mb       “Free MB”

,      name          “Disk Name”

,      failgroup     “Failure Group”

,      path          “Path”

from   v$asm_disk

order by group_number

,        disk_number




prompt Instances currently accessing these diskgroups

prompt ==============================================

col “Instance” form a8

select c.group_number  “Group”

,          “Group Name”

,      c.instance_name “Instance”

from   v$asm_client c

,      v$asm_diskgroup g

where  g.group_number=c.group_number




prompt Current ASM disk operations

prompt ===========================

select *

from   v$asm_operation




prompt free ASM disks and their paths

prompt ===========================

select header_status , mode_status, path from V$asm_disk

where header_status in (‘FORMER’,’CANDIDATE’)



clear columns

Posted in ASM, Oracle, scripts | Tagged: , , | 4 Comments »